Brewing How-To: Making your own cold brew tea

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When the weather is especially hot like how it has been recently, make some cold brew tea to cool down!

Incredibly easy to make, cold brew tea can be made in advance for daily enjoyment. Just simply put tea leaves in room temperature water and let it steep for 8-12 hours, or overnight. The next morning, you’ll have a refreshing tea to enjoy!

The concept is simply to allow for a longer and slower brew time for your precious tea… making the flavours sweeter, lighter and really quite different from if you brewed it hot! For us, cold-brewing accentuates and brings out a lingering fragrance of Phoenix Dancong oolongs, the floral honeyed notes of White Peony, and sweet fragrance of our black teas.

What leaf-to-water ratio should I use?

We recommend about 1 - 2g of loose leaf tea to 100ml of water.

For green teas, 1g of loose leaf tea to 100ml works well.

For white, oolong and black teas, around 1.5 - 2g of loose leaf tea to 100ml works well.

You may play around with the amount of tea leaves, as well as the steeping time to find the best combination that works for you.

Let’s make cold brew!

Here are the easy steps to make your own cold brew at home:

  1. Put 10g of tea leaves in a vessel of choice (glass jug or bottle)

  2. Add 1L room temperature water to the vessel

  3. Store in the fridge for at least 8 hours or overnight

  4. After 8 hours or the next day, once you’re happy with the taste, strain the tea leaves and serve!

  5. Repeat the process 2 or 3 times to get the most out of your leaves

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Which teas is best to cold brew?

While there is no actual best type of tea to cold brew, we find that using pure teas instead of flavoured teas will definitely allow you to explore the different nuances and flavours that could be somewhat hidden when you hot brew it. Here are some of our recommendations:


Jin Jun Mei has a honey-like sweetness and rose aromas that come out when cold brewed. A really amazing black tea cold brewed!

This white tea transforms into a sweet floral beverage when cold-brewed!

The floral and lychee fragrance of Phoenix Oolong Dancong lingers as an aftertaste in this oolong tea.